Friday, June 10, 2011

A NYC Summer

The transformation of New York City from Winter to Summer happened in a flash, and to say the least, it is amazing. After what seemed like the longest winter of my life (although the snow was great, it was just cold way too long), NYC burst to life with Spring for about a week and then Summer hit. The energy that came with the warm weather was tremendous. My love for NYC has grown in a major way over the past month. The discovery of a golf course 40 minutes away from my apartment by subway has definitely contributed to that, but it's not the only thing. The activity on the streets is invigorating to be around. Street performers, beautiful parks and piers along the Hudson, great free activities, seemingly endless places to explore, and amazing friends to enjoy it all with makes for an incredible place to live.

However, as amazing as the amount of life and energy in NYC is, walking among the millions of people day in and day out brings me to a sobering thought as well. 97% of that massive amount of people I pass by every day do not know Christ. What am I really doing about it? Just being present in the city isn't enough. I must not sit by and wait for opportunities to share the Gospel to come upon me. But I must be actively pursuing those opportunities to share.

Please pray for both my church family and me as we live in this incredible city that we might be totally unashamed of the Gospel in a city that finds it to be foolish. Pray that we might boldly proclaim the Gospel no matter the cost and seek out opportunities actively rather than sitting back passively waiting for opportunities.

Grace and Peace,
